Sunday, September 24, 2006


PMS will kick my ass no more! I went out today and LOADED my fridge with healthy choices. I also threw away any junk-type food that I might give in to. Don't get me wrong, these are not things that I'll never have again, they are just things that will impede me from my progress right now, and therefore must go.

So let's take a looksy into my fridge, shall we? I still can't believe this is the inside of MY fridge, but dammit, I WILL live a healthy lifestyle and I WILL make good choices, and I WILL eat vegetables - even if it kills me. (which we all know it won't, but I like to be dramatic...)

TOP SHELF: Fruit Juice boxes - mostly for my neice, but every once in a while I get a craving for a sweet drink, and it's a better alternative than soda. Diet Cherry Coke, low-point pasta sauce, low-fat cheeses (I won't eat fake cheese - bleck), diced onions and peppers.

SHELF TWO: Veggie wrap sandwich from Trader Joe's, grilled garlic herb chicken breast from Trader Joe's, lowfat yogurt, eggs.

SHELF THREE: Beer (a gift from my neighbors - a multipack!), tons of bottled water, cranberry and grapefruit juice for mixers when I have company, low-fat yogurt, diced, jarred garlic, strawberries, dates (the only kind I have lately).

BOTTOM DRAWER: Lots and lots of veggies!! Lettuce, tomato, cukes, onions, asparagus, broccoli, spagetti squash, carrots, celery....

I'm actually excited to try the spagetti squash. I've heard a lot of good things about how you can eat it like spagetti and it's so much better for you. I like asparagus with chicken or pork, and I'll be eating lots of salad this week.

So, this photo makes me feel better about any damage I may have done this weekend. I'm still on track and focused, and I'm going to fight PMS with every ounce of my being.

And remember - send great veggie recipes my way!!


Carrots, Anyone? said...

looks much better than our fridge! spaghetti squash...never heard of it. Lemme know how it goes. we (I) need to make a trip to Trader Joe's this week!

MaryFran said...

Lookin' good! Congrats on taking the steps to eradicate the bad and stock up on the good foods! (I'm also a bit ashamed..your refridge looked so clean and pristine. Mine looks like that for all of five minutes after I clean it!)