Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I've made it through Week 2 without cheating or messing up! Hooray for me!

The first two weeks are usually the toughest - at least for me. Your body is really adjusting to the new way of eating and drinking, and every food demon rears it's big, ugly head. Things I don't even normally want beg for me to eat them. Example: I'm not a big cake eater. I don't dislike it, I just never ever crave it. But Sunday was my dad's birthday party and we had cupcakes. I HAVE NEVER WANTED A CUPCAKE SO BADLY IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! But I was able to resist and did not have one. I was really proud of myself that I won that little battle.

On WW, you really CAN eat anything as long as you count the points. But I'm trying to CHANGE what I eat and my unhealthy patterns along with losing weight. So having a cupcake doesn't work towards that goal.

My bigger problem is vegetables. Someone PLEASE help me with this. I've never been a big fan, and I have to force myself to eat them. I love salad, but cooked veggies and I have never had an agreeable partnership.

Here's what I DO like:

-salad of all forms
-asparagus with balsamic vinegrette
-steamed broccoli with a little bit of grated parmegan
-corn and potatoes (of course! I'm a good irish girl)

If anyone has some kick-ass recipes or ideas for veggies, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Weigh-in tomorrow! I'll keep you posted....


Carrots, Anyone? said...

I can't believe it's been two weeks! I feel like the time has buzzed by. Congratulations on defeating the damn food demons this week! I'll search for veggie recipes for you cuz me loves them :)

Taunia said...

Awesome, thanks! We both know I have low-points starches and snacks covered - lol - I just need big-time help with veggies. My brother made a kick-ass squash casserole once. I should ask him for that recipe. Or better yet - for him to just make me one! lol